3 Secrets To Online Success
Here are the 3 Secrets to Online Success.
1. Become an Attractive Character/Leader
2. Have a Future Cause Movement
3. Create a New Opportunity
Let’s take a look at Secret #1 Become an Attractive Character/Leader, it comes down to do people like you. I am a shy person when out and about, however when I am talking about something I am passionate about I can talk all day. I find most entrepreneurs are the same way. Interesting right?
Because of that it takes extra practice to become an attractive character, even though you may be super nice its still difficult to reach out to a total stranger. The good new is you being nice or just saying some kind words will go a lot further then trying to always teach and sell. Most people do not want to be taught they want to catch it. Most people do not want to be sold, they want to buy it. Its kinda like telling a teenager who knows it all what you think is the right thing to do, they are not listening.
So what is the remedy? Serve others, give, give, give and keep sharing your message, and at some point you need to ask because sometimes they never will ask you and you are in business after all.
The other option is get really good at running an online business and have it set up where it sells with or with out you. It’s a beautiful thing to have your funnel out there and someone opts in and buy your product and you get paid while you sleep.
Tomorrow we will cover secret 2.
Cathy McReynolds
Your, Fun Money and Skill Coach and
Online Business Branding and Business Strategist
PS: Join our Facebook Group, “The Fun and Freedom Movement,” and look in the announcement section for the, “Daily Accountability Guide,” its a great free resource that can help you stay focus on your goals and help you get more done.