Have you ever felt like you’ve been given another chance?
Maybe a time in your life when everything was going wrong and it seemed as if you had a curse of bad luck coming your way?
Just about everyone who has tried a business have most likely felt that way a time or two. So if your in the Ugggg season here are a few tips to help you get out.
- Go to God:
Believe in something bigger than you. This is where you are required to step out of yourself and look for that higher power. This type of belief is personal and only you can give it to yourself. In my opinion, it’s the greatest gift one can give to themself. And just keep believing he will bring you through. He promised us, and just as a child reminds a parent of their promises, just like God you gladly want to give them what you said….so does God. He really is there for you.
2. Gratitude:
Now this is also a big one. Imagine you just lost a sale, your utilities got cut off, your home burnt down, you lost a loved one, your computer is not working, your phone got cut off….
No matter the moment be slow to anger and quick to say thank you God. Thank you family and friends, thank you world, thank you flower, car, food, plant…. Find something big or small to just start saying thank you about.
What you give out you will get back. There is so much peace in this moment. It shapes your outlook and your outburst of the current situation. You cannot fix anything when you are in a state of anger or sour emotions.
3. Meditate or Be Still:
Set aside some time to be still and listen. Keep it simple, set your alarm for 20 minutes and quiet your mind. Some Days you will hear or get something, other days you may fall asleep (LOL) and other days your mind may race. Just put this into your daily routine and I promise you it will change your life.
4. Affirmations/Goals:
Upon rising and going to bed read them outloud. It’s that simple.
5. Personal Development:
Read or listen to personal development before social media, tv, radio… etc. If you practice doing this when you wake up and before you go to bed, I promise you your life will go to a whole new level. What you put in you….will come out of you.
6. Daily Habits/Schedule:
For a season which means until you reach your goals, plan out your next day the night before. Put income producing activities on there, lunch, family time, etc. Literally sit down and plan from the moment you wake up until the moment you go to bed and make those two times the same at least 6 days a week.
6. Take a Break:
Take one day a week and do no work, it’s important to give your mind and body the proper rest. Including sleep. If you can get away 7 days at the end of each quarter that is also great. You will be more refreshed and productive.
7. Mentor:
If you want to get to your goal quicker, get a mentor, consultant, coach. You pick the name but let someone who you like and trust take you where you want to go faster.
I hope these tips help guide you to success leading into 2020. Don’t go into the next decade with the same old tired, lame excuses and habits. You can do this. If you want my help in growing your business online, please reply back to this email and let’s have a conversation and I will show you a step by step game plan to success in starting or growing your course, consultant or online business.
Cathy McReynolds
Course Creator and Online Business Consultant
PS: Register at EcourseU.co for our Online Course Workshop
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