Cathy McReynolds
6 min readDec 14, 2019


Hey it’s Cathy again, if you saw any of my post about starting an Online Course Business but you didn’t book a call, let me ask you a question.

….What’s the difference between a BIG MISTAKE or BAD DECISIONS?

What would you choose? BIG MISTAKES or BAD DECISION?

  • A politician cheats on his wife got caught (he said I made a big mistake)
  • CEO does not claim all of her income got caught (she tells the IRS I made a big mistake)
  • Kids lie to their parents got caught (they tell the truth and say I made a big mistake)
  • You ignoring the dreams God put in your heart because of fear or overwhelm. (Did you make a BIG MISTAKE or was it a BAD DECISION?)

There all bad decisions…

Selecting the wrong answer on a test is a mistake, if you did not study for the test….

now that’s a bad decision.

Mistakes are something you just un-intentionally screwed up on

Bad decisions are made intentionally…without regard of the outcome.

When it comes to the bad decisions you have made in life, it is easy to dismiss them and make yourself feel better by saying things like…..

Oh I don’t have the time

I don’t have the money

I don’t think I know enough yet

I am going to wait until the kids are older

I am going to do it when I have success

I don’t know if it’s for me

Now if you ever said any of those things WITHOUT thinking about the outcome you’ve made a____?

Fill in the blank, because if I say it you will doubt me and possibly continue down this road of not taking responsibility for every decision in your life.

If you say it you have to accept responsibility for your actions and look at the person in the mirror and ask yourself am I operating from FEAR or FAITH?

Now I know it’s much easier to blame your circumstances, blame others, accept your shortcomings but where has that gotten you so far in life?

We have all made mistakes, (learn from them) we have all made bad decisions, (don’t repeat them and learn some more) it’s all apart of the human becoming experience.

I am challenging you to take out a piece of paper and draw a T on the paper.

On one side right BIG MISTAKE and on the other side right BAD DECISION.

Once you have done that I want you to ask yourself, from this day forward which of those things that you wrote on the paper will stop you from birthing that dream in your heart to coach and teach others.

…If you decided none of them congratulations.

Now it’s time to take action and see why scheduling a strategy session with me is the right thing to do. (or even with someone else, just take action)

If you are wondering who I am and why you should schedule a call with me…

I’ll give you a quick overview (this is all about you not me, if you don’t schedule one with me, find someone to schedule one with.)

Just make today the day you take action towards your hearts desire. (go to

A little about me…

For the last couple of decades I have been in business for myself, I’ve made lots of mistakes and bad decisions along the way.

I’ve made and lost multiple 6 figure in various business.

I have also had lots of wins and have trained hundreds of people along my journey.

The one thing that has remained constant is my love of seeing people experience breakthroughs and win in-spite of the fears, excuses or that constant chatter of doubt that you have to tell to shut up on an hourly basis.

My faith has gotten me through the tough times because I had to learn to let mistakes and bad decisions stop running my life as I put in the work even when the results were not there as fast as I wanted them.

Because of my faith…

I kept going….

Not because of me, but because of my strong faith in God.

The hope, love, encouragement, belief, peace and strength to carry on from operating in FAITH inspired me to go after the dreams in my heart and help others help others, by equipping them to start a course or consultant business the most enjoyable business ever.

Why do I think it’s the most enjoyable business?

I’m about to tell you why?

You can work anytime, anywhere — as long as there’s WiFi.

It’s pretty passive — once you get things setup.

You don’t have to be good at sales.

Or good at tech

Or even marketing…

The best part is you get to change lives, which feels soooo awesome!

Now some of you already have an ideal of how you want to help people, others of you have no ideal and that’s ok too.

How so?

We help you go from start to students in just 8 weeks using our NEW Circle Of Influence Faith Based- Educational system helps you create or grow your online course or consultant business.

(I’ll tell you more about how it works on our strategy call)





But, the results that come from the 4 systems are:

You have faith and believe it’s possible for you

👉You educate people on what you want to help them with

👉 They contact you or your sales team

👉 They say YES or NO to you helping them ( either way is totally cool, what’s for you will come to you)

Want to know what the really cool part is?

Our system and software tracks, forwards, and automates the process for you so that you can spend more time doing the things you love in life and business while serving a higher calling.

(And yes, we will teach you every step of the process, if you decide to do this.)

How much is this going to cost me and what is the catch?

The strategy call will cost you nothing.

But as I mentioned in the first ad you saw you are probably looking at between $3,000 to $5000 for training, advertising and software.

Before we even get you to the point of advertising and software expenses you will already have gotten clients organically and can take that money and feed it back into your business for advertising and software.

How do you get clients in advance?

You educate them and then have a solid call to action.

(We also teach you a simple direct approach method were you don’t feel salesay or spammy)

Then, once you establish yourself, you’ll get people reaching out to you and also get referrals.

Is it competitive?


There are billions of people in this world.

Scared or Skeptical?

Good, that’s what our strategy session is for:

Go to

Pick a date and complete the questionnaire

After that?

I will call you at that exact time and we will discuss your goals, aspirations, see what’s been blocking your success and I will ask you lots of questions you will also have some questions and you will gain clarity after that and …

Maybe you’ll join our mentoring program.

It comes with everything you need to go from start to students plus outsourcing options, one-on-one calls, group trainings, live and recorded trainings, Q and A, a community of supporters, financial education, and our future live events — all sorts of cool, fun and fulfilling stuff.

But you don’t have to…

In fact, you could just watch my free trainings, join our group, read my emails, case studies and try it on your own.

That’s okay too.

Oh yeah, what else?

Be a person who truly cares about others please; have a growth mindset, positivity is a must…and ideally, you don’t take yourself too seriously and you are ready to go after the dreams that God put in your heart.

Is that you?

Awesomeness — book your call here:


Super excited to meet ya!

Cathy McReynolds

Your, Fun Money & Skill Coach and Online Course Strategist

(But really I am just an average girl from a small town who want to tell everybody about how

faith and taking daily action changed my life and how it can do the same for you also) xoxo 😘 ❤️🙏



Cathy McReynolds

A Bible Business Strategist & Financial Advisor who helps you grow in faith and finances by using biblical principles and mission marketing & sales strategies.