High Ticket Phone Funnels Secrets Revealed
High Ticket Phone Funnels Secrets Revealed
“Let Me Quickly Share With You How To Use High Ticket Phone Funnels To Generate Pre-Qualified Course or Consultant Leads.
And Then I’ll Actually Give You A Top Converting High Ticket Phone Funnel For FREE!!!”
Just like many other things in life a vast majority of these funnels fail. Not because they don’t work, because they do.
It’s sad but true, they don’t work because most people won’t take the time to follow a proven system, test, optimize and refine their funnels.
They simply quit soon because they get overwhelmed and frustrated.
…But you are different.
LOL I was one of those people who tried to reinvent the wheel.
My biggest lesson over the past few years in building my business is that if you don’t have proven systems in place to guide you, you will fail or severely delay your growth.
This is why I am a big proponent of modeling what works, using funnels, ads and emails and following mentors. This is not the time to reinvent something that has a proven track record.
The life blood of a business is sales and prospecting and those ingredients blended together will save you hours of prospecting and follow up time while putting your ideal client on a phone call to you or your sales team within hours of reading or watching your post or ad.
This means they are already pre-qualified and most likely ready to buy your high ticket coaching or consultant offer of 2k to 10k and even higher within 48 hours of coming in contact with you. (Even if you were a complete stranger)
And the great part, all of this was done without a huge costly call center or big payroll which means more profit to your bottom line.
So today I will share with you how to build a phone funnel that will work for you 24/7/365 collecting leads with phone numbers from potential prospects/clients/customers for your online course or consultant business.
If you aren’t generating sales and new prospects consistently you will be frustrated and constantly worrying about where your next sales are coming from.
Having predictability in your business allows you to focus on scaling your business and spending more time working on getting your clients the end results they desire.
Ok, ok, you are probably wondering what the heck adoodles is a high ticket phone funnel and can I build one of those things.
The answer is yes you can and the great news is, I am actually going to GIVE you one for free and all you have to do is replace the mock up with your information.
It’s a super simple process that even a 4th grader or a retired grandma can pull off even if you are not tech savvy.
A phone funnel is just like a regular funnel except its primary purpose is to collect phone numbers from your potential prospects instead of the typical first name and email.
This type of funnel is perfect for people in the sales industry, high ticket products or any service type of business like course creators, coaches or consultants.
Step 1: High Ticket Phone Funnel
- Complete a thorough research of your ideal client. (we cover the details of how to do this in week one of EcourseU class). This is important because if you know the EXACT biggest problem that is stopping your ideal client from achieving their goals, you can create a message that speaks DIRECTLY to that problem.
- Choose between sharing a Case Study or Success Story that you have experienced or that one of your clients have experienced.
This should be a video and then get it transcribe to cover both your readers and people who like to watch videos.
You will use a concept called TakeAway Selling. Done right, this will create an enormous demand for YOU and get people reaching out to you for your high ticket offer.
Let me explain why and how it works:
WHY: 96% of all sales people try to pull people towards their service by oversharing the features, benefits and telling them all the reasons why they should by or about how great they are.
This is a sign of not positioning yourself as an authority in your profession and not being trained properly.
Imagine going to a doctor because you keep passing out and all they want to do is tell you about the undergraduate school they went to, what grades they got, the top medical school that they went to, why they are working for this hospital, all while you are about to pass out again… (are you getting the point, you would exit the building right?)
So, it’s not your fault if you’ve fallen into this common way of selling — but with that being said, it is your responsibility to FIX IT going forward.
Here is HOW to fix it: You can use all types of lead magnets, from, books, pdf, webinars etc but today we are focusing on a Case Study.
We start by using a system that should be able to handle at least 100 people a time. Part of that system is set up using a concept called a Takeaway Selling.
The reason behind Takeaway Selling is because we are humans and when people tell us we can’t have something or do something we say watch me. (listen to the speeches of the most successful people it’s usually someone told me I couldn’t and I want to prove them wrong. Or the not so cute guy getting the hottest girl all because it was a challenge. Successful humans thrive on being rejected and told no) Your job as a professional is to understand how people think and what they do and present information based on those findings.
First you want to broadcast often and on multiple channels (blogs, podcast, Facebook, Linkedin, Ads, etc with educational helpful content that gets results to your ideal client.
This is important because it helps the prospect to know, like and trust you.
This content should be your best, your goal is to give more value for free than what most people charge for.
A big mistake people make is to think, if I give it away for free than they would have no reason to buy from me.
Number one this is a lack mentality and we live in a world of abundance and favor. When you understand these principles have nothing to do with you but God’s gift to us, you will serve freely and from the heart.
Be a cheerful giver or don’t give, people can feel your intent.
And when you give, ask yours can a person take what I am sharing today and actually see a result. This is the goal.
Not to sell them but actually help them. You probably heard, help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want.
When you give enough value and pre purchase results they will understand why they should hire you and exactly what results they can expect from you.
So give, give, and over give in educational value that leads to results.
Second, understand that you are in the business of PUBLISHING CONTENT that drives prospects to you.
If you totally understand this from day one and DO what any other big marketing guru is doing not saying you’ll see that this is exactly how and why they’ve built successful businesses.
Third, use a PHONE funnel after the educational results oriented content to pre-sell and pre-qualify your ideal leads.
These are the people who will reach out to you and ask for your help and will buy from you, not because of you but because you are getting them what THEY WANT.
This system will take approximately the same amount of work and effort to process 100 or 1,000 leads as it does to handle one.
So go from a one to one mindset to one to many mindset.
What this means for you is less pulling and actively prospecting to a steady flow of leads coming to you which gives you more time to work on your business delivering results and putting together a high quality business.
…As soon as you get someone who is INTERESTED in what you offer and they want to move forward and start to have the buying conversation…
You need to start throwing roadblocks and obstacles in front of them!
Now before you start over analysing here, think of the scene in a bar.
Guy comes up to girl and say, can I buy you a drink and the girl says let’s skip the drink and go have sex. Now the guy may even say let’s go but if he has an ideal of the right girl he is looking for all types of resistance will immediately pop up in his head.
…If you give it up easy, there is no value.
Vs that same girl, denying the drink and also turning her back to continue her conversation with her girlfriend. Now if you are a hunter and someone who really wants something of value and you really want it, you did not hear the word NO, you automatically go into I got to have this mindset.
This is why the high ticket phone funnel leads them to an application, (roadblock number 1) they now must give their name, phone number and email address.
By not letting them buy until they’ve completed a questionnaire (roadblock number 2) and book an appointment (roadblock number 3) a couple things are happening besides keeping control throughout the sales process which is what the takeaway sales process is all about.
- They are being prequalified
- They feel they know, like and trust you
- You may have less leads but higher quality
- They want what you have to offer
- Now they are applying for help verses you begging for a customer.
The results from using the takeaway approach only leads to ready to buy prequalified quality people will go through all those roadblocks to speak with you. Not because of you, but because they feel you can get them what they want.
Make sense?
That was a lot but a very important piece of the process.
Step 2: The High Ticket Phone Funnel: Case Study
You want to now created your Case Study to giveaway.
You can do that in google docs or hire someone on Fiverr or a platform like that to do it for you to use as a give away.
This is where your past results are shared from actual clients or your own personal experience. As you are building your business always take notes, highlight relevant facts, underline key problems and do beta test groups. This is where you will get the data from to use in your case studies.
Your case study should:
- Identify two to five key problems that you solve during your beta test. …
- How you uncovered any possible solutions/changes that were needed. (Record all your sessions with permission, review course recordings, discussions, Q&A’s outside research and your experience)
- Select the Best Solution and showcase the results.
- Use pictures or client testimonials (Video preferred but always transcribe)
- No income claims
- Don’t try to sell just share a story and the details of the journey.
Step 3: Create the Phone Funnel.
You don’t need high tech skills and feel overwhelmed when creating your landing page, (which means the page they will land on when they click the link in your ad, blog, post or where you tell them to go in your video). 75% of people generally type in your website name so make sure you pick a site that is easy to remember.
This is also part of the branding process. (we cover that in detail during your training at EcourseU.com) Do you see how I just intertwined that website into an educational piece. This is one way you sell without selling.
Once you setup your phone funnel using the shared funnel link that i’ll send to your email, now worries, it’s pretty easy to use and also has proven results. (See what I just did, gave you value so you will in turn, give me your email)
This is why I say do what Gurus do not what they say.
Next you simply create a nice simply looking landing page that collects your leads.
There are only 3 main steps in the phone funnel.
- The Case Study
- The Application Page
- The Homework Page.
Step 4: Drive Traffic To Your Phone Funnel.
Ok, now that you have your phone funnel setup you need to get people to see the FREE Case Study.
There are lots of ways that you can do this but they all take work.
The funnel/website is not the end, it’s like the GPS that just collected your current location. Now you have to reverse engineer and get people to the desired location.
Here is a short list of the most popular ways anybody can get traffic to their landing page for little or no cost.
- Facebook Ads
- Youtube
- Facebook Video
- Facebook Groups
- Blogging
- Facebook Page
- Instagram Business
- Medium Blogging
- Linkedin Business Page
Your one and only goal is to GET LEADS on your LIST.
So get your hook, story and offer right so the right people will go to your funnel and land on the landing page. (Notice how I embedded some of my high traffic, trackable destinations with links in the suggestion above. Do what we do)
Step 4: Call The Leads From The Phone Funnel
The next step is to deliver on your promise and give them the Case Study or whatever lead magnet you promised.
Then start engaging with your leads from an email provider that is attached to your phone funnel come and turn them into a client using a High Ticket Phone Script. (Pay attention to two things here, hyperlink on the email, leads to an affiliate program and the High Ticket Phone Script which will be a one time offer on the thank you page.)
Step 5: Track Your Numbers From The Phone Funnel
The last step is to track your numbers. Although there are many numbers you can track, you want to focus on 3 metrics on paid traffic and set your expectations upfront.
- ROAS (Return on ad spend)
- CPA (Cost per acquisition)
- CPL (Cost per lead)
Now there are many others but for now your goal is to get some results so you will start to see where you need to tweak your process.
Typically, you will have room for significant improvement on your hook, story or offer up front. Once you capture the lead if you are getting a 20 to 30% close ratio it is because you have a killer phone script.
Your conversion rates goal on your landing page should be around 40%, this will put at the top of the league.
Once your phone funnel is consistently generating leads now you MUST focus on making sure you and your team are asking the right questions on the phone appointment and that you have the right email sequence in place.
It makes no sense to have done all the upfront work to get these high quality leads for your course or consultant business if you aren’t skilled on the phone. This takes time and patiences.
Hope this brought you value.
Click on the link below to get the Shared Phone Funnel delivered to your email.
👉 EcourseU.com
Thanks, Cathy McReynolds
PS: I have a few slots available for our 2020 kick off class which starts on January 2oth. Spots are limited, so if you want to see if you qualify to join the first 2020 class go to EcourseU.com and schedule a business strategy session.