Cathy McReynolds
4 min readMar 16, 2019

Your Fun, Money and Skill Coach Helping You Build Your First or Next Impact Course Business Online

It's always tough when your just starting out in business and you have low resources, low belief level and low funds to jump-start your business.

The lack of becomes the focus verses the value and transformations that you will eventually bring to the people you want to serve.

I totally get it.

It takes me back to when I was going to open up a business offline and was excited about it growing and then realized that I had underestimated the cost. In the past I would have given up…..

Because I had surrounded myself by mentors and coaches I was able to think differently which brought in the resources that I needed to complete the project and most importantly it made me stop and think before I took action.

When your faced with something bigger than you and outside the scope of your knowledge here are a few things that you can do, to not only stay on track but

accomplish the goals that you need to transform and impact others.

Before I share the what to do, let me start with a simple formula that you can use in any situation in life or business.

1. Think it!

2. Ink it!

3. Do It!

1. Think it:

When challenges arrive because they will before you act, think.

Take some time to talk with yourself or a mentor about whats going on.

Instead of complaining, blaming or bashing start asking questions and then be open to receive the answers.

Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself:

1. How do I stop my business from failing?

2. Which parts of my business are not profitable?

3. How much time am I am my team spending on income generating revenue?

4. How much does it cost me to generate a client?

5. What is my break even point?

6. What other resources do I have available?

2. Ink it!

After you’ve taken sometime to think BEFORE you took action the next step is to sit down and write out not only the questions but also the answers.

​​​​​​​Look at that list and then decide what are the top 3 things that you can take immediate action on that will lead you to your desired out come. (The reason you got started in the first place.)

The next step is to take those 3 things and write out a step by step game plan and a deadline for accomplishing them.

Once you have your game plan in place consult with your mentor or advisers and simply share with them your game plan to get additional feedback and also ideas or suggestion on how your plan can be executed quicker and more proficient.

They may challenge you on your game-plan, be open to hear their point of view and if what they are sharing can help you in the long run.

3. Do It!

The next step is to DO IT!

Take massive action and do not stop until the date that you’ve scheduled to evaluate your results show up.

In the doing, is where the true lesson comes to play.

Record your process through journaling or video recording.

Once you’ve concord the results you desired now it’s time to share your story with others so they can see, feel and understand the process.

Another lesson comes when you start to teach what you have been through. It allows you to relive it and learn how to make it better for someone else.

I hope this helps you move through the tough times that you will experience in business. What seems tough today will seem like a normal day when you build up your business and mind muscles.

Do not compare your chapter 1 or 2 to someone else chapter 10 or 12. Listen to their backstories they lived in a chapter 1 and 2 also.

Thanks, look forward to serving you.

Cathy McReynolds

Your……😎Fun, Money & Skill Coach

And Friend

PS: Also every Mondays at 8:00pm EST we are helping you build your Online Business and Brand quicker by offering FREE trainings that covers things like, marketing, business 101, video marketing, personal development, etc so your can have a successful career online quicker.

This ultimately leads to more Fun & Freedom and the opportunity to create the Lifestyle and Business they desire.

Join us then for our FREE classes by clicking on the link below.

Join the Facebook group and get weekly Live Branding and Business Training Every Monday and Receive a FREE Resource.

Would you like to know more about our done with you Online Program join our next Master Class on Thursday March 21st at 8:00pm EST and learn the steps needed to create an Online Course Business and all the fun and money you can make impacting others. Click on the link below and register NOW!

Live Fun & Freedom Master Class

Not Sure Where To Start:

1. Join the Facebook Group and Get Weekly Live Business and Branding Training Every Monday and Receive a FREE Resource.

2. Register for the next Live FREE Fun & Freedom Master Class and Get Your FREE Giveaway For The Week

3. Join the 21 Day Video and Branding Challenge

4. Get your funnel/website software: FREE 14 Day Trial

5. Get paid to play and join the, “Retire in 100 Days Challenge.”

Cathy McReynolds
Cathy McReynolds

Written by Cathy McReynolds

A Bible Business Strategist & Financial Advisor who helps you grow in faith and finances by using biblical principles and mission marketing & sales strategies.

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